Do you suffer from Asthma or Allergies?

People often blame allergies and asthma on plants and dust. In some cases, that’s true. Certain seasonal allergies are triggered by pollen, mold and other organic material. However, plants aren’t the only cause!

Common household pests are capable of producing the same type of reactions…inside and outside…at any time of year!

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, about 20 million Americans suffer from dust mite allergies…and a whopping 63 percent of American homes contain allergens from cockroaches! Other pests (such as mice) can also trigger allergy and asthma symptoms.

When insects and animals are the cause, it’s critical to deal with the infestation. Contact your local licensed pest control professional ASAP for a treatment plan.

After the infestation is eliminated, you’ll need to take action to prevent the problem from recurring.

Are you allergic to dust mites? A good weekly house cleaning will go a long way toward keeping the situation under control. Start by thoroughly dusting and vacuuming your house. Remember to clean under the beds and along the baseboards. Allergen-proof pillow covers are a great way to discourage mites; they love body dander!

Cockroach infestations can be caused by poor cleaning practices. Wipe your counters every day, put food in airtight containers and take out trash regularly.

I’m committed to recycling, but pests begin to accumulate if I am not careful. Don’t store recyclables in the house…cockroaches feast on the glue that hold boxes and bags together. Plastic bags provide a great place for pests to remain out of sight.

Mice particularly love hiding places. They commonly enter through garages and live along the walls. Lower your garage door as soon as you turn the motor off and install door sweeps to discourage their entry. Inspect items before carrying them inside…especially if they’ve been stored in an outbuilding. Keep leaves and stacks of wood away from your home.

Pests are crafty. You have to be craftier! If you think they’ve come inside despite your best efforts, call us at 405-679-8729 to schedule a free inspection. We can help solve your pest problem!

Trudy Conners