Brown Recluse

How To Identify A Brown Recluse Infestation

Appearance -

Brown recluse spiders are usually between 0.24 and 0.79 in, but may grow larger. While typically light to medium brown, they range in color from whitish to dark brown or blackish gray. The abdomen are not necessarily the same color. These spiders usually have markings on the dorsal side of their cephalothorax, with a black line coming from it that looks like a violin. This is where they get the nicknames fiddle back spider, brown fiddle, or violin spider.

The violin pattern is not diagnostic, as other spiders can have similar markings like cellar spiders and pirate spiders. For definitive identification call a professional. it is imperative to examine the eyes. While most spiders have eight eyes, recluse spiders have six eyes arranged in pairs. Recluses have no obvious coloration patterns on the abdomen or legs, and the legs lack spines. The abdomen is covered with fine short hairs that, when viewed without magnification, give the appearance of soft fur. The leg joints may appear to be a slightly lighter color.

Behavior -

A brown recluse's stance on a flat surface is usually with all legs radially extended. When alarmed it may lower its body, withdraw the forward two legs back into a defensive position, withdraw the rearmost pair of legs into a position for lunging forward, and stand motionless. When threatened it usually flees, seemingly to avoid a conflict. If detained, They may further avoid contact with quick horizontal rotating movements or even resort to assuming a lifeless pose (playing dead). The spider usually will not jump unless touched.

Why You Might Have Brown Recluse

Once they are inside your home, Brown Recluse usually stick to a few favorite areas. hey frequently build their webs in woodpiles and sheds, closets, garages, plenum spaces, cellars, and other places that are dry and generally undisturbed. When dwelling in human residences they seem to favor cardboard, possibly because it mimics the rotting tree bark which they inhabit naturally. They have are encountered in shoes, inside dressers, in bed sheets of infrequently used beds, in clothes stacked or piled or left lying on the floor, inside work gloves, behind baseboards and pictures, in toilets, and near sources of warmth when ambient temperatures are lower than usual. Human-recluse contact often occurs when such isolated spaces are disturbed and the spider feels threatened. Unlike most web weavers, they leave these lairs at night to hunt.

Reasons To Treat Your Brown Recluse Problem Immediately

The bite frequently is not felt initially and may not be immediately painful, but it can be serious. The brown recluse bears a potentially deadly toxic venom. Most bites are minor. However, a small number of brown recluse bites do produce severe lesions ; an even smaller number produce severe symptoms. Bites produced a range of symptoms. If the a bite appears to turn red and swollen or brownish black and be painful the vitum should seek medical care from a doctor.
Brown Recluse breed quickly and lead to a large population in or around your home. This increase will also increase the chances of coming into contact with a Brown Recluse with potentially life threatening or painful results. Calling us to perform Brown Recluse control can ensure your family is safe from harm.

Call us today for Brown Recluse control, so you and your family can rest assured your home will be safe.

Let us get you back to sleeping peacefully!

Call now to schedule your appointment with KC Pest Control 405-679-8729