Why Pest Control In Winter?

Should I schedule pest control in the winter? Surely you’re kidding!

Wintertime pest control is no joke. Just because temperatures are below freezing outside doesn’t mean you should skip regular treatments this time of year. Winter is actually one of the most important times for inspection and treatment. Here’s why…

Most pests prefer to live in warm places close to food and nesting material. During the summer they primarily live outdoors. As cold weather approaches, all sorts of undesirables migrate inside to escape the harsh climate. Winter inspections focus on interior spaces where invasive species move to survive. That’s not to say exterior spaces are overlooked, but a larger emphasis is given to rooms and areas where you may be hosting uninvited “guests.”

Most calls we receive this time of year are for help controlling spiders and mice. Both these pests follow the typical pattern of coming indoors and establishing a routine during late autumn. By December they’ve usually very comfortable in their new digs. 

While mice and spiders are often found indoors this time of year, it’s very possible other species have joined them. You might be surprised to learn that ladybugs, cluster flies, and box elder bugs…just to name a few…also come inside to overwinter. Pests often head to the attic to lay low and hibernate until spring. Upon awakening, some of these populations will return outdoors, but a small group usually finds its way into living areas instead. That’s not something you want to happen! 

Cold-weather months are a great time to see if termites and carpenter ants have been active around your place. It’s much easier to spot evidence of entry or damage when grass, bushes, and trees are dormant. Catching any insect problem in the early stages of development is important; that’s especially true when the creatures involved are capable of destroying the house you live in!

The bottom line is, winter is a good time to check for and clear your place of all these invaders. Getting rid of rodents and insects right now is a perfect way to prepare for spring cleaning. After thoroughly reviewing your situation, we’ll recommend a plan of action designed to eliminate current pest populations, and repel others that would try to move in to take their place. In addition to treatment, we’ll clear areas of webs and eggs to further discourage an infestation from developing.

Call or text us at 405-679-8729 ASAP to schedule your check-up. We are ready to care for pest problems you already know you have…or to detect hidden issues (like termites) that could prove very costly.

Trudy Conners